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was ordained Sunday, July 19th, 2009. Pictured from left to right are my
pastor John Sherrill, myself, pastor Jack Greenwood, and Chaplain Scott Haynes.
I worked for chaplain Haynes the last 5 years of my incarceration. Not pictured,
but present, and equally as important to me, is chaplain Don Beasley, who
I now minister under at the Stephens county jail. God has blessed me with these
four men, and placed them in my life as mentors and Shepherd's, to keep me
accountable to this great honor and calling, as a minister of the good news,
(gospel), of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This was a very emotional moment
for me, as the church was full of people from every walk of my long journey.
This is truly a story of a prodigal son, finally making his way home and into
the calling and purpose, God the Father, had for his life. I had a saintly
grandmother, who has been with the Lord 25 years now, and people still talk
about the powerful prayer warrior she was. I can vaguely remember her dedicating
me to the Lord at an old tent revival when I was very young. As I looked out at
the crowd, I saw folks from every walk of my life. It just reminded me of the
long difficult journey and how the Lord never gave up on me, even when I had. He
was there all the time as a loving Father, watching His child make one bad
choice after another, and miraculously creating little circumstances, and
bringing special people into his life, to push him back on the right path. I
just didn't realize it, but He was there all the time. As I was looking at
all the many friends and family from so many different periods of my life, it
all came together like a book. For all of you the Lord used in this long
journey, and all of you He will continue to use until we end this life here, and
enter into our real home heaven, thank you seems such cheap payment for so great
a treasure as each of you are to me! God bless you my loving family, I love you
all with my whole heart...His servant...dennis
If you are interested in donating to this ministry make
checks to Dennis Hall Ministries Inc., P.O. Box 2117, Duncan, OK. 73534-2117
Send mail to dennis@deliveredfrommeth.com with questions or comments about this web site.
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