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  •                         Holy Spirit Manifestation in F-Pod of the Stephens County Jail

  • Photo Taken off the Security Camera by Dave Horn. Richard Neeld, Sandy Gabraiel, and myself were praying after a powerful visit with the guys of F-pod. There had been some discord among the brothers in the pod and you could feel a heavy spirit when we first came in. This pod has had such a strong presence of God for a long time because of these guys praying and seeking God and learning His ways for their lives. Then the devil begin to sow discord and the Holy Spirit became grieved. After some great words from  the Lord, and reconciliation began to take place we had powerful prayer, I said guys I feel the Holy Spirit so strongly. The next day Dave Horn showed me this picture. He was watching us on the security camera and this light and image of the Holy Spirit appeared. Notice the face at top in the shower curtain.

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